Saturday, April 17, 2010


utterly horrendous.
my last presentation was so horrendous that its beyond redemption.
i can barely stand to look at my own video.
cringing all e time omfg.
i had no idea how e class and Prof Ho sat through those 5 min.
everything single thing that could be wrong i did it.
last minute.
every possible negative aspect
u name it, i got it.
worked so hard to maintain everything.
only to screw up the very last task on the very last day.
blardy disappointed with myself.
i can do better than this even if its an impromptu.
instead of improving on my usual standards,
it dropped exponentially until i don't know where.
i think it went so deep down,
that even the iceland volcano took it for lava and spew it out in digust.
what more to say when i spent 1 day preparing for it.
everyone else was so well rehearsed and prepared.
and being late definitely did not help.

i think i must have been the worst presenter in ab214 final presentation history. 

i survived through 1 meeting, 2 reports deadline, and 1 test the week before.
having 1 quiz, 2 reports deadline, and 3 presentations within a span of 3 days is no excuse for the lack of preparation.
you know you could have done better.
How is it possible that a prepared presentation is so much much worst than an impromptu presentation?!!  
all previous efforts were to nault. 
there goes my grade. 
there goes my double degree. 

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