Wednesday, May 25, 2011

somehow it just doesn't feel right

i think my stubbornness got the better of me.
i should have known.
so, this is what happens when you refuse to listen to your heart (even when it is protesting so very loudly) and listen to the stubborn mind.
the right thing is often the hardest to do.

im bored.
date me out! hahaha

been watching Rainie Yang's latest drama called 醉后决定爱上你 recently.
i have to say, her acting really improved tremendously.
she's no longer only good at acting sweetie cutie pie now.
there's an element of a mature and independent woman in it.
the chemistry between the 2 leads are pretty good too!
some classic lines from the drama that really touched my heart,
because it just feels so apt for me at some point in time.

go and watch!!

oh and a side note. 張孝全 is pretty shuai. 
i think as long as the actors can act well i will like them. 
cos e same happened for secret garden LOL

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