im sure many of us have heard about tin pei ling recently.
she's one of the newly unveiled PAP candidate of only 27 years old.
and her background and personal life has been under attack ever since then,
with many people stalking her FaceBook and making comments about her photos.
Refer to this for a rather good summary!
and her reaction to this ultra big hoo hah,
is to privatise her FaceBook account and those photos.
she also privatised her Twitter.
if you're curious about which few photos of her has generated such high publicity,
refer to this
the language used is not so refined, but its kinda funny in an ah beng singaporean kind of way.
and the most said Temasek Review
she married a rich guy, and is doing well in her career.
so it doesn't come as a surprise that she's leading an extravagant lifestyle.
but whether she can still understand the heartfelt complaints of an average Singaporean awaits to be seen.
although personally i sympathise with her, i don't think it comes as any surprise.
especially when she's heading the New Media section of PAP and,
is supposed to reach out to the masses through usage of new media (social media).
she should have known that people would start searching for information about her on the net,
and FaceBook is a common tool.
although i have to agree, the degree of it is kind of overwhelming.
however, it may be a blessing in disguise.
given her young age and good looks, its hard for her to convince people of her ability.
Ms Tin needs to win respect from the people.
this saga can be used to her advantage, given she handles it well.
i don't think hiding in silence and privatising every online profile of hers is a good attempt.
firstly, how are you going to reach out to the masses by privatising your profiles? where is the so-called interaction going to take place? it makes no sense to have a personal account and a public one for work purposes, because as a politican, your personal life will always be scrutinised by people. i mean, look at other countries, such as Japan. The media seriously scrutinises every small part of their ministers and make a big issue out of it. Given PAP's slogan of being open and honest, hiding behind private profiles won't help at all because people will start wondering - where is the so called openness?
secondly, Ms Tin is very young, she's a 4th generation. meaning, how she wins respect and support from the people is going to be very different and harder than before. she needs to reach out to youths, many whom are highly educated and exposed to many information - web savvyness complicates that further. These youths have grown up under the leadership of PAP, hence would have a certain degree of expectations for PAP and their future leadership. they have also witnessed the hard work of the opposition for many years, and have more or less formed an impression of PAP and these oppositions. they are waiting to see further development of spore's politics, and have very high demands of PAP now.
thirdly, to be a politician, one must have certain leadership qualities. if dear Ms Tin cannot even handle such a saga on her own, with her own people, at her home turf, then her ability to lead the country seems a bit questionable, because out there, the people she needs to face would be even more malicious and complicated to handle then these net citizens alone.
i agree with some net citizens who say its not fair to say 'give her a chance',
because PAP doesn't give the opposition a chance too.
given how the opposition tries so hard and fights so hard just to be 'given a chance',
Ms Tin should undergo some trying times to hone up her character for future positions.
i think this whole elections thingy is quite interesting! you guys can read more comments from here:
some of my opinions are formed based on the comments i read online. some really does, make sense in a way.
she's one of the newly unveiled PAP candidate of only 27 years old.
and her background and personal life has been under attack ever since then,
with many people stalking her FaceBook and making comments about her photos.
Refer to this for a rather good summary!
and her reaction to this ultra big hoo hah,
is to privatise her FaceBook account and those photos.
she also privatised her Twitter.
if you're curious about which few photos of her has generated such high publicity,
refer to this
the language used is not so refined, but its kinda funny in an ah beng singaporean kind of way.
and the most said Temasek Review
she married a rich guy, and is doing well in her career.
so it doesn't come as a surprise that she's leading an extravagant lifestyle.
but whether she can still understand the heartfelt complaints of an average Singaporean awaits to be seen.
although personally i sympathise with her, i don't think it comes as any surprise.
especially when she's heading the New Media section of PAP and,
is supposed to reach out to the masses through usage of new media (social media).
she should have known that people would start searching for information about her on the net,
and FaceBook is a common tool.
although i have to agree, the degree of it is kind of overwhelming.
however, it may be a blessing in disguise.
given her young age and good looks, its hard for her to convince people of her ability.
Ms Tin needs to win respect from the people.
this saga can be used to her advantage, given she handles it well.
i don't think hiding in silence and privatising every online profile of hers is a good attempt.
firstly, how are you going to reach out to the masses by privatising your profiles? where is the so-called interaction going to take place? it makes no sense to have a personal account and a public one for work purposes, because as a politican, your personal life will always be scrutinised by people. i mean, look at other countries, such as Japan. The media seriously scrutinises every small part of their ministers and make a big issue out of it. Given PAP's slogan of being open and honest, hiding behind private profiles won't help at all because people will start wondering - where is the so called openness?
secondly, Ms Tin is very young, she's a 4th generation. meaning, how she wins respect and support from the people is going to be very different and harder than before. she needs to reach out to youths, many whom are highly educated and exposed to many information - web savvyness complicates that further. These youths have grown up under the leadership of PAP, hence would have a certain degree of expectations for PAP and their future leadership. they have also witnessed the hard work of the opposition for many years, and have more or less formed an impression of PAP and these oppositions. they are waiting to see further development of spore's politics, and have very high demands of PAP now.
thirdly, to be a politician, one must have certain leadership qualities. if dear Ms Tin cannot even handle such a saga on her own, with her own people, at her home turf, then her ability to lead the country seems a bit questionable, because out there, the people she needs to face would be even more malicious and complicated to handle then these net citizens alone.
i agree with some net citizens who say its not fair to say 'give her a chance',
because PAP doesn't give the opposition a chance too.
given how the opposition tries so hard and fights so hard just to be 'given a chance',
Ms Tin should undergo some trying times to hone up her character for future positions.
i think this whole elections thingy is quite interesting! you guys can read more comments from here:
some of my opinions are formed based on the comments i read online. some really does, make sense in a way.