Monday, February 28, 2011

iphone is awesome!

was playing with my friend's iphone photography app awhile back and managed to do this:

 this is the original photo taken of the ship while i'm on the ferry

this is the edited photo that resulted after i played with the app and had many layers of different effects coated on it. love the final result! the outline tracing thingy is so damn cool! the surface ripples on the sea and the energy can be seen more clearly; and it looks so much more fanciful and artistic than the original one. 

if i have an iphone, i would have no problem posting a photo a day because i'll just be taking random pictures and editing them all e time!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

林志炫 浮誇

just finished watching 超級星光大道 and was very very impressed by 林志炫! he can hit all the high notes with sufficient strength and energy! 

this is the 林志炫 version:


the song was originally sung by 陳奕迅 and the canto version is certainly much emotion inducing than the chinese version. the difference lies in the way the lyrics are written. the song is not as high, but the tone is much much more intense! 

what would be your next stop?

As some of you may know, I finished this drama serial called 下一站, 幸福 recently and was totally blown off my feet by Vanness Wu's performance in the show. Especially after watching all the 幕后花絮 on how he overcame his challenge of memorising looong lines (due to his role of a lawyer) in chinese and getting the correct pronounciation. goodness. 下一站, 幸福 is an awesome show!

so i went to google to find out more abt Vanness, and discovered that he has another drama serial coming up! =D its called 拜金女王. however there was a teeny weeny bit of controversy on how he landed that role though. but i absolutely dun care! here's more about the show:

片 名:《拜金女王》
集 数:20集
类 型:偶像、爱情
编  剧:陈玉珊
导 演:陈慧翎 

拜金女王主 演:吴建 豪、熊黛林
偶像剧《拜金女王》举行男主角公布记者会,由F4成员之一的吴建豪出 线担纲演出。原定男主角言承旭突然现身表态支持,表示“因为身体不好,不能 和这么好的团队合作真的很可惜。”
近来因演出偶像剧《下一站, 幸福》,让吴建豪 荣登台湾偶像剧一哥宝座,该剧幕后推手前三立电视台总监陈玉珊,近期以制作人之姿决定开拍一部新的偶像剧《拜金女王》,找来吴建豪担任男主角,女主角则由 香港天王郭富城的女友熊黛琳担任,于昨日(9月5日)举办男主角公开记者会。《拜金女王》的剧情描述遭母遗弃的孤女长大后,成了嫌贫爱富的拜金女模,因一 夜情在法国和音乐学院的男学生展开孽缘。为了打造国际规格的时装偶像剧,制作人陈玉珊特地重金礼聘《欲望城市2》和《穿着Prada的恶魔》视觉造型总监 菲尔德(Patricia Field)任造型总监。制作人更透露光是预计两个星期的法国行,预算就高达1600万台币(约人民币350万)
原 本《拜金女王》的男主角属意由同为F4成员之一的言承旭担纲,但是因言承旭身体微恙,档期又敲不定,现在改由吴建豪出线。被外界形容成“救火 队”,吴建豪表示,其实他很早以前就看过剧本,当时就很想演出,他说:“很开心演这部戏,别人怎么说他不在乎。”制作人陈玉珊更透露,当初因为这部戏要去 法国巴黎取景,让从未去过法国的吴建豪还特地打电话跟她说:“不在乎角色大小,只希望让他能参与演出。”
虽然言承旭无法接演,但是在记者 会现场,他却意外现身,这让陈玉珊十分惊讶。一上台更是与吴建豪相互击掌、拥抱,兄弟之情不言而喻。Jerry 表示,虽然最近身体不好,但陈玉珊推出新戏,他一定要来站台。陈玉珊事后说到:“Jerry变成熟了!”,吴建豪则说:“不管怎样,大家都是兄弟,4人中 只要有人接到工作,大家都会彼此鼓励、加油。”,这也打破了外传4人之间有嫌隙的谣言。

and searching for Vanness's pictures showed me some of his transitions since he debuted as F4 eons ago:

Back when he first debuted as an F4 member
then after going through a few years in the entertainment industry

the new look and hairstyle as a lawyer in the show. totally dig this new fresh and clean image of him

Thursday, February 03, 2011


Recently, I adopted back my old-and-long-forgotten habit of reading.

I always feel the urge to read whenever I step into the library, being surrounded by tons and tons of books. But due to hectic schedule, I also have no time! So one book I've finished reading is this:

 Remedies by Kate Ledger

The reviews are not bad - 

Initially I was attracted to the book cause of the cover. Looks so painfully abstract and hidden with so many secrets that I want to read it. And after reading, my take aways are this:

1. There are times when serious, deep misunderstandings can happen because one just simply refuse to communicate with each other. A good intention can be interpreted in the opposite way by the other and it just snowballs from there, especially when its your partner. Many a times we doubt and are skeptical, but many a times, the source is that we're just not trusting enough to believe that he/she would be

2. Emotionally painstaking events can really tear people apart. The only way to heal is to talk about it to the people who matters and who're also affected, and help each other to recover, because that is the source of positive energy. 

3. No matter how hard it is to go about doing something, if it needs to be done, it must be done. Otherwise it'll just be like an evil poison that would spread and engulf you from the inside. 

What impressed me most was the open-ended ending of the book. I was so looking forward to the ending and finding out whether everything would work out nicely in the end. Stayed up until 4am to finish the book and was greeted with an open ending. LOL. really leaves it to the reader's imagination! 


I hope that 2011 would be a better year for me. And I would have the strength to become brave and stronger.