anyway i got my bdae present from my company! so happy la. im only a small little temp staff and yet they treat me so nicely. gimme company shirt, include me in bdae celebrations, even got me a present =D and the people here are sooo nice. in my 3.5mths here i've never been scolded. except for the manager's complain =X anyway my present is a Chomel necklace. its very nice! i shall wear it everyday and make it my permanent necklace haha =) although to them Chomel is not really very expensive and is considered low-end (i guess next time when we come out and work and have high spending power we'll be hankering after LV etc too. seriously cant imagine myself doing that 0.o ), to me its very very good already. haha im a girl who's easily satisfied! gimme a small kit-kat bar and i'll be happy too hahaha!
went out with nicholas and weilin on thurs. and i made a joke out of myself -_-" i think hanging out with belicia too much made me become super blur. then went to Food for Thought (im advertising for them haha) where we had super delicious apple crumble =)
Guy A (very agitatedly): i have proof of that you noe!
Guy B (also very agitated): i have proof of what i said too!
Guy A: i've enough of this. that's it. im leaving.
(Guy A took backpack and left, leaving Guy B down there alone with the BARELY TOUCHED APPLE CRUMBLE, which is super delicious)
so weilin's frenz (who worked in the cafe) came to us and asked,'do u tink e 2 of them are gays?! we think they are u noe!'
nick went 'har cant be what. the 2 of them keep staring at them (them=evonne & weilin) ever since we came in'
so one of weilin's friend concluded 'orh! THAT'S WHY THEY ARGUED LA!'
then nick starts laughing. and laugh until cant take photo.
yay! finally learnt how to transfer photos from digital camera to my computer. i had to read the user guide and do step by step. after i end my job shall read the ENTIRE manual. and i noe how to put pics now! haha big accomplishement for the IT-noob evonne *pats herself on e back* haha
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